Dear Vivas,
HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2010 will be Viva5A's 3rd year anniversary (I don't know when's the date though haha). Anyway, we went through a lot together, through bad and good. I'm sure people out there killed to be like us (maybe). Those good times will be remembered forever and ever and the bad times well, let it be a lesson for us all to learn, after all, nobody's perfect. We'll be together because God intended us to meet. Truth be told, I care for each and everyone of you more than myself (occasionally), more than my family to be frank. Sometimes I want to shout out to the whole world how lucky I am to have you people as my friends but sometimes I want to hush, afraid that somebody might take you away from me. I love you, always have and always will.
-Ish The Great.
I seriously miss you people! It felt weird nada big gathering cuti ani :S
but I think that can be forgiven, we gathered big every time there was cuti in the past two years anyway, so I think this fact made it up hehe.
So here to 2010!
As we now enter the young adult stage, each of us will now have different path in life, no doubt about that, but hopefully everyone of us will still be in touch in years to come.
OH. I want a big, massive reunion in 2017, that's 10 years after 5A's Family was in that awesome class of 2007 (best class ever!), plus with all the friends we met in the VIVA 5A phase, you know who you are ;).
p/s: Bawa anak kamu, HAHA.
Happy New Year 2010!
-Akif Latif.
First of all, big thanks to Ish for updating this blog. (If inda, nada ku update jua ni -_-")Anyway, SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2010! =D I know majority of you the vivas looking forward the Alevel's results, so i wish kamu semua semoga berjaya. AMIN~ Actually, i don't know what to say... ummm but ada this one thing i really wanna tell kamu. I LOVE YOU VIVA 5A! Kamu are like family to me, thanks for being a great good friends of mine and crazy at times! Thanks to Azri jua, pasal if not because of him, i'll not rapat or even know kamu =')I got this beautiful friendship songs from idk-the-artist.Please remember <3"Sometimes the time just slip away and u're left with yesterday, left with the memories. I'll always think of you and smile, and be happy for the time. I had you with me though we go our seperate ways. I won't forget so don't forget, the memories we made....I was there for you and you were there for me. Please remember our time together, the times was yours and mine, while were wild and free...Then remember, please remember me...."Much loves,Nadzirah @ ComelMwahugs*